When placing an order, please check the size chart on each product page as well as the information you provided. If you find any error after the order is confirmed, please contact us IMMEDIATELY with the order number quoted. Once the order is shipped, we may be unable to help and will not be responsible for any loss due to wrong information provided by the customer.

If you would like to exchange any item, please contact us WITHIN 7 DAYS upon receipt of the delivery first. Only exchanges of goods that are unused and in their original condition and packaging will be accepted, and please note that shipping fees will be charged for the exchange. Due to inventory constraints, retail stores cannot directly handle online exchanges. Please contact us first to make arrangements.
If any defect is found on the goods that we delivered, please notify us IMMEDIATELY, we may arrange an exchange or refund depending on stock status. We are sorry that a request for a refund for any other reason will not be entertained.
For any issue relating to the above situations, please contact us via email at